
Valentines Day 2011

Here are some pics of the kiddies assembling their Valentines Day Cards for their classmates.  

Jordan isn't in school yet, but she'll throw a fit if she's not part of the action.  She actually finished up her cards before Orion did.  Orion just had to sign his name on 24 cards, but by the time he got to card #13 he had excuses galore on why he couldn't finish them:
  • his ear is broken
  • his knee hurts
  • his classmates don't really want a card
  • his writing hand doesn't work anymore
Karena was done in no time at all.  She also nicely packaged her teacher's gift.  Overall, it was fun watching these kids work on Valentines Day Cards.  Rick and I were reminiscing back to our elementary school days and how the Cards nowadays are waaaaay cooler.

Speaking of which, Rick and I do not have any special plans for the Vday.  We'll probably order some sushi for take-out.  Maybe take the kids out to get some cupcakes from Coronado Cupcakery for dessert. (My faves are Mexican Maria and Black Bottom Betty!!)  We really don't do anything fancy smancy for Vday.  Sometimes we'll go out to dinner, if we have a babysitter. But it's no biggie..

Happy Valentines Day 2011!!

***** My Valentines just got sweeter!  Thank you to my #1 Valentine!  With the help of an accomplice, he was able to surprise me with flowers sent to my work!  Good one guys!! Love you babe! *****

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