
Catch my Breath

Wow, I can't believe that it's been over 2 months since my last post.  I feel like so far 2011, is just whooshing by.  It's about to be May and I can tell that this month will be over in a blink of an eye.  So much has happened since my last post on Valentines Day that trying to sum it all up in a single blog post will turn this into a novel.  It feels like a novel.  My life that is.  A novel filled with interesting characters leading a crazy, event-filled life.  Some days there's a rush, a constant hustle-bustle, rushing from one task to the next.  In between tasks, there's hugs and kisses, listening to a story, laughing, singing, dancing, scrubbing, dicing, mixing, figuring out what to wear, what Jordan should wear, where's Orion's underwear?, the list goes on and on.  And then there are some days, although rare, where I'd rather sit and actually watch TV.  And just indulge in hours of those Ryan Seacrest Productions.  Gotta love 'em!

There is literally so much to do, with so little time.  But I always feel accomplished at the end of the day.  Work done, family happy, clean and organized home. A big high-5 to myself, yay!  Everything may not be completely perfect and I might not get everything on my To-Do-List, but at the end of the night, I'm happy.  Life may feel overwhelming at times and I feel like I'm "emotionally" trying to catch my breath, but I'm just happy to actually have "breath."  Yes, I really am that sappy and optimistic. :)

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