
Where Am I... Cow Wold?

Several weekends ago we went on a road trip to San Jose, CA for a family special occasion.  It was just the 4 of us, since Nena was with her dad that week.  Right after class on Thursday night, we decided to pack and load up the truck. Packing for a trip in general SUCKS, but when you have to pack for yourself and for 2 kids.. ahhhhh.. forget about it!  Took me forever. Eventually, {inhale} we got all the clothes, shoes, diapers, wipes, thick jackets, toiletries, cooler with snacks and water, iPad, laptop, nintendo dsi's, chargers, pillows, and blankets {exhale} packed into the truck. And  f i n a l l y  I was able to lay my head and go to sleep..

5 hours later we started our 3-day weekend.  We got on the road and everything was fine and  dandy.  Traffic here and there, but it was worth it, once we bit into a potato ball from Porto's in Downey, where we stopped for brunch. And just as good or maybe even better is their cheese rolls.  Trust me!!

All of us happy and content with our Porto's fix, we got back on the road.  We had an awesome 5 hours worth of driving ahead of us that we were looking forward to....NOT! The kids kept themselves occupied, Orion with his DS and Jordan was lip-syncing along to songs (which she's great at).  We eventually arrived to the area on the 152 where you can smell the scenery before you arrive.  Apparently, Orion smelled it too, as he resurfaced from his DS and proclaimed.. "Where am I.. Cow Wold?"  It's not a typo.. the "r" is deliberately missing, because that's how he pronounced it.

I always thought it had to be thousands of cows every time I passed by that area on my numerous road trips to or from San Jose back in the day, but it made perfect sense to think it was some sort of Cow World.  Especially from the point of view of a 4 year old boy.  Why yes, Orion this is Cow Wold..  Haha!  He says the funniest things.  If I had a Facebook I would have posted it to my status, but instead I took a picture and sent a text message out to some family and friends that would appreciate Orionisms.

We eventually arrived to our destination and continued on with our family weekend.  We had an opportunity to do some sight-seeing in San Francisco.  The kids got a kick out of driving on the Bay Bridge .  Something about looking like Transformers or something.  Glad they enjoyed it because it cost $5 just for the toll. Geez!!

 We walked around Pier 39 and Fisherman's Wharf.  Since Orion absolutely loves seafood especially fish and shrimp, I made sure he had a chance to try some fish and chips.  Initially, he and I were supposed to share, but I literally had a bite or two while he ate the WHOLE THING.  Little oinker!

On our ride out of the city and back to the hotel, apparently Orion was bored and asked that we just go back to Cow Wold and pet the cows.  What is up with him and cows? Haha..  We stopped by Japantown in San Jose because I wanted to reminisce back to when Karena was a little baby, when she, her dad and I used to live down the block.  It looked familiar but a lot of the stores changed.  It has been 8 years since I was last there.  Felt  kinda trippy pushing Jordan around in the stroller, it brought back flashbacks and forgotten memories.  Back to the time, when it was kinda lonely being all the way in San Jose, away from family and friends.  Finding ways to past the time with my little baby Karena while her father was at work.  Now I feel like there's never enough time in a day. Funny how the Universe works itself out.

After a Saturday night of fun, entertaining times with the family our road trip was coming to an end and we eventually had to make our way back to San Diego the next day.  Stopping by relatives house to say our Goodbyes, they had a gift for Orion, a hat that looked like this.  

Kinda random to get a Texas Longhorn hat, but still nevertheless much appreciated.  Orion loved it..  "Awwwww cool a Cow Wold hat!!"  Why yes, Orion it is a Cow Wold hat.

The purpose of our road trip was 2-fold.  To do something as a family and out of our norm, but it ended up being on the same weekend as an extended family special event.  2 birds with 1 stone.  Awesome!  

From the perspective of the little ones Jordan and especially Orion.. It was a trip to Cow Wold!  Years, years from now..  I can just hear us.. Hey Orion, remember that time we went to Cow Wold?

1 comment:

  1. Rendel,

    This one brought back memories of our trips to and from Palo Alto when Casey attended Stanford University. She did not know how to drive yet so each year, my folks would go up, retrieve her and her belongings, and come back down. Eventually my availability opened up so the three of us could drive at least.

    Most of all I recall Coalinga. We called it the "Mile of Cows". Typically I would be the one behind the wheel and for some reason, my dad's sick mind would lead to him opening the windows in the van. This of course led to my mom cursing in English and in Tagalog.

    And somehow he got away with doing it every single time.
